Tanglewood HOA Meeting 2015

Tanglewood HOA Meeting 2015

On July 3, 2015 our annual Tanglewood Home Owners Association meeting was held and you will find the minutes of that meeting below. Of particular interest, Jim McCoy was nominated as Road Commissioner to replace outgoing commissioner Jo Kennedy (thank you Jo for all you have done). You will find that ballot also attached. Write in candidates are also accepted. You may submit your ballots either by responding to this email or by mail to the address listed below. These need to be in by October 3, 2015 according to the bylaws.

There have been no notices for 2015 HOA dues as of this date, so essentially, the only owners that have paid are some who paid at the meeting. So, if you have not paid, please send your checks to me: Tim Wint, 114 Mockingbird Hill, Westcliffe, CO 81252. I will be here until the end of August. After that you may send them to me at 1105 Prairie Creek Place, Flower Mound, TX 75028. The dues are $100 and checks should be made payable to “Tanglewood Acres HOA”. I will send out a second notice later this month for those that have not paid by then.


Tim Wint
Jo Kennedy
Julie Johnson

Tanglewood Homeowners Association

Minutes Annual meeting July 3, 2015
* Dues – probably will email dues still owed for 2015
* Meeting called to order by Julie Johnson at 1:00PM
+ Read meeting minutes from 2014
o Becky Conway moved to accept, Mark Beigler seconded, carried
+ Deaths (Doris Salmans, Ben Newcomer) – $25 each donated to Custer County Clinic
+ Treasurers report was passed out
+ Red Gate Keys – make sure yours works
+ Old Business
o 1) Should have house addresses on mailboxes or sign post
o 2) Properties for sale – prospective buyers need to be accompanied by realtor
# Eastwood’s and Bailey’s are for sale. Newcomers is off the market
o 3) Tim Wint elected commissioner, taking Jim Keefer’s position
+ New Business
o Nomination of road commissioner – Jim McCoy (to replace Jo Kennedy) nominated by Phillis Lehrman, voted and carried. Votes to be submitted in fall.
o Homeowners dues – Ours are low. Until 2008 it was $50, and then raised to $100.
# Makes sense to raise the dues. John Balding thinks some people are getting a deal because they have slash and those that don’t are paying their share for 30 minutes of chipping.
# Becky Conway moved to raise HOA dues to $150 beginning in 2016. Second by Linda Witter
@ (Being somewhat unfamiliar with the proper procedures, we thought this was a legitimate vote. In reviewing the by-laws, we realize that it is required that we present a motion to raise dues to the entire HOA and then take a vote at the following HOA meeting. So if everyone is good with that, we will present the increase in 2016 to become effective 2017)
@ Discussion – Question – what about multiple lots in family
– (Point of clarification – this was not discussed in the meeting, however, dues are according to active lots. If you own a lot or lots in addition to the one your cabin is on, you do not owe dues for these additional lots. If, however, you would like to have multiple votes concerning Tanglewood business, then this is allowed at the rate of 1 vote per full dues paid)
– Increase will not affect distribution of dues – they will remain as they are currently.
– Carried unanimously
o Chipper will be here August 26. Each property gets 30 minutes then is asked to pay at the rate of $150 per hour. Bring slash to the road. Help is appreciated.
o Rock to be ordered for crossing
# Acknowledgement for volunteers getting crossing ready for workday and for those that helped complete the job on workday.
o Clarification of GPS database update. Updates have been made to various databases, but GPS owners need to update their maps to see the changes.
o Acknowledged Newcomers and Lotts as new property owners
o Becky Conway moved to adjourn, John Balding seconded, carried unanimously at 1:33PM

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