Tanglewood – Hummviewer on Shark Tank

Shark Tank, here they come!

If you have not seen the Hummviewer, you need to stop by the Creed Cabin and have John show you. Do it sometime when the hummingbirds are really active.

A little background: John had always been fascinated with hummingbirds and was trying to figure out a way to get them to come up close while they were feeding. Not having much success with that, John devised a way using a clear face shield, to entice the birds to come close enough to feed from a feeder that he integrated with the face shield. Using this device, you can get amazing photos of these birds, and you can spend days just watching them up close and actually, in your face (ALMOST).

So after a couple of years of developing this device, the Creeds are now going to have the opportunity to pitch it in front of the SHARK TANK lineup to explore its commercial potential.

So, if you get a chance, put it on your calendars or schedule it to record the SHARK TANK episode on December 2 on ABC and offer John and Joan your support. Who knows, we may have the next great entrepreneur among us.

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