Tanglewood Newsletter Early Summer 2018

black and white typewriter on black table

Early Summer 2018

Web Page – The web page is tanglewoodhoa.info.  It will include this announcement and contains a calendar of HOA events. Password for anything requiring a password is ‘redgate’. Tanglewood ByLaws and Rules are included on the page.

Workday – The workday will be on Tuesday, July 3 at 9am. Meet where we have Sunday potluck and we will divide the work there.  We need a few able bodied people to help.
Projects include:
a) cleaning the creek banks as the creek level is low
b) clean out downed wood near the road from the gate to the cattle guard
c) take down a big tree that has fallen between Skipper King’s cabin and the Johnson cabin

Annual Homeowners Meeting 

The annual HOA meeting will be on Thursday, July 5 at 10am.  The Kiefers agreed to host again this year.

Things we need to discuss:

  1. Memorials – acknowledge all owners and friends of Tanglewood that have passed during the year.
  2. Reminder that annual dues are $150 per year and are now due.
  3. Keys to the red gate. We have a new, more secure lock on the red gate. Your old keys should fit but maybe you should check them just in case. If you need keys, see Steve Witter. We need to discuss access to keys by others: 911 dispatch, sheriff, realtors, neighbors.
  4. Security – Because of the ordeal with the red gate lock, we have had some concerns with security. We have had the sheriff up several times to go through and check cabins for forced entry. Maybe it is time to discuss regular security patrols during the winter months.
  5. Grading – Road maintenance has become more difficult because our road base supplier is using a longer bed truck for delivery and it is too tall to go under our power lines. We need to find a solution for grading that includes spreading the road base and maintaining it. Linda Witter has done some research on this.
  6. Burning restrictions – should we include gas grills?
  7. Road Commissioners – Current commissioners and their terms:
  • Jim McCoy 2016,2017,2018
  • Fran Beigler 2017,2018,2019
  • Steve Witter 2018,2019,2020
  • Fran Beigler resigned due to health concerns. Tim Wint has agreed to assume the remainder of her term which runs through 2019. Jim McCoy’s term runs through 2018 so we need nominations for the term 2019, 2020 and 2021.

If you have any further items that you feel should be addressed, please send these to Steve Witter, switter25@aol.com

Chipping – August 29 and 30 at 9am both days- we need about 8 able bodied people to feed the chipper. We also need people to drag limbs that don’t necessarily need to feed limbs in.

WIFI Survey – Apparently Custer county is looking into the possibility of providing WIFI for the entire county. Here is a survey if you are interested


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